The building, in a Baroque style, has a classical upright and square facade, a typical front from the 16th century tradition, quite distant from the playful movement between concave and convex spaces appearing, for example, on the typical buildings which belong to the Val di Noto Baroque. The façade is divided into three horizontal orders.
The first hosts three entrance portals.
The central one is decorated with double columns with Corinthian capitals, and becomes a real triumphal arch that frames the artistic silvery carriage for the Patrons’ day, before its festive leaving on the morning of May 10th.
The wooden door is of valuable manufacturing, symbols linked to the Saint Protectors of Lentini and to the city are carved on it.
The second order in the facade is characterized by a large window that illuminates the inside of the corresponding aisle, plus two decorative swirls arranged at the sides which seem to "climb" upwards: they help propel the structure of the building towards the last order, the one with the bell tower and the three lodges that dominate the square from above.